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Why Honesty Matters

Commission Transparency Ensures Proper Consultation

If you don't know how much your wholesaler stands to make from each option they present you can't be sure that they will be impartial.

Unveiling the Real Costs

You Actually Do Pay For Your Wholesale Broker

It’s true the insured foots the bill for the gross commission paid on an insurance placement. But every dollar of commission your wholesale insurance broker keeps beyond a fair compensation for the service they provide you is a dollar that comes out of your pocket. Don't be kept in the dark about commission. When it comes to how much you are paying for your wholesaler’s service you need transparency in order to make an informed decision.

A healthcare professional liability agent opening up withir wallet to pay the proifessional liability wholesaler.

Why They Don't Tell You What They Take

Many wholesalers never reveal the total commission offered by a carrier, let alone give you a clear indication of what they keep versus sharing with you. In doing so the wholesaler creates a conflict of interest, ultimately compromising their ability to recommend the right coverage in exchange for pushing the options that pay them the best.

A severely dissatisfied customer looking disgruntled as they are being handed bad quotes from their healthcare professional liability agent.
What fair looks like

Eliminating the Conflict of Interest

We show you the gross commission and the commission split between you and us for every quote we procure for you and your insured. Below are some examples with the carrier’s name removed. Formal quotes will always come unaltered with the carrier’s name intact.

We are willing to provide a more advantageous commission split for our retail customers when the situation warrants it.

No More Bogus Fees

Many wholesalers like to pad their wallets with excessive fees. A better solution? Charging an appropriate fee only when your wholesaler provides you with a service, such as taking care of the surplus line filing. Superfluous wholesaler fees have a negative impact on your and your clients. Avoiding these kinds of fees is an easy way to stabilize your client relationships and your book of business.

A healthcare professional liability insurance agent high-fiving their insured as they celebrate finding the perfect policy without wasting money.
Pricing and Commissions

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions that we get about pricing and commissions.

What if my other wholesaler pays me more commission?

When will I be able to earn a better commission split on my business?

Why don’t you have the commission schedule for every carrier listed on your website?

I’ve noticed that you don’t list a particular carrier on your website. Why not?

How do I give Ethos a submission?

Jump Into Action

Improve your Professional Liability Placements Today

Start with selecting the best professional liability wholesaler for your medical and healthcare professional liability needs. By the end of day you’ll have a 15-minute meeting time reserved where you will learn definitively how to best serve your insureds.